Prayers for Norah Cate


On February 16, 2015 at 4:02 in the afternoon in the midst of an ice storm, little Norah Catherine weighing only 14 oz, made her grand entrance into this world in a big way. Now Knoxville, Tennessee, and folks all around the country are rallying around this little angel. 25 weeks, and she’s already in this world.

Norah Cate, you’re so Unbelievably tiny, but our God does Unbelievable things.

They don’t call them God-given talents for nothing. I’m excited to use my love for creating/design to help spread the word about little miss Norah, and her fight at UT. I hope you’ll help me by sharing her story and sending some prayers the family’s way.

God Loves You, You Precious Fierce Little Thing!

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Tell Someone You Are Proud Of Them Today.

Tell someone you are proud of them today.

The secret to existing is all about pride. Some people live their whole lives to earn the pride and approval of someone else. What makes people work hard at their jobs is the fact that they take pride in their work. What makes people feel accomplished is hearing someone say, “I am proud of you”. Such a simple phrase really directs our lives. Think of someone  you know that doesn’t take pride in what they do and have. Are they happy? Likely not.

Or they’re pretending.

Tell someone you are proud of them today. Even if it’s actually You.


I’m Cool? When Did That Happen?

Rocky Caughron via

It’s Epiphany Tuesday. Not really. But I have made a very big and very exciting realization!

I am so much cooler than I ever thought I would be.

I honestly never think I would be here. Not even in blog land. In life in general! I managed to get a job at my favorite shop in all of Knoxville, my favorite since I was a little girl. I have the most handsome and wonderful guy in my life. My family is still in tact even though we’re all a few sandwiches short of a picnic. Pardon my french, but I’m kicking ass in college and working darn hard to do so. I have a handful of friends I wouldn’t trade for all the world. And I know exactly what I want to do with my life.

I’m starting to realize everything has been in my grasp all along. Please don’t mistake this for bragging, but I’ve busted my butt to get here. I think if I weren’t proud of myself, I would be wrong. 


I mean look at me! Having real photo shoots for my real blog? I’m not cool enough for that.
Rocky Caughron via

You have to keep your goals in front of you. That’s the trick. I’m not even a Sophomore yet in college, but really… if I survived 3 years of middle school – you remember don’t you – of course not. We all desperately burned those years out of our memory. If I survived 3 years of that. I can survive 3 years of anything. I really think these next few college years will breeze by.

I just can’t even imagine how cool I will be in the next 5 years.