Outdoor Snapshots


I have a had some kind of week. As you know, we had a quiet day on the blog, but the rest of the week was full of love and good memories, and thankfulness and joy. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so sad, blessed, and grateful all at once. Many of those special moments were outside  between trying to work, family time, and just me time. And being the photo-op hunter I am, I made a collection of those moments! I thought, what better place to dump all my pretty pictures? So here are some of my favorite things I’ve seen outside in the past few days!

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Meet Zoe. She’s the darling little sausage dog that kept me company a lot this week while visiting the Hill. The Hill is a gorgeous little hilltop owned by some folks that basically adopted me into the family. Zoe is the newest addition. When she’s not happy-tinkling, she’s a dollface. I’m so happy she’s able to keep the sweet old ladies occupied when the grandkids aren’t around.

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Of course, where there are lots of sweet country folk, there are lots of pretty gardens in the works. I especially love the boots… C’mon. That’s adorable. I would steal that idea, but I couldn’t recreate the cuteness. I would do it all wrong. I’ll leave it to the masters and just admire.

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It’s officially Dogwood Season in Knoxville, Tennessee! It’s basically the city’s official flower, as there is literally a tree in every yard. Every. Yard. You legitimately can not drive down a single street in Knoxville without seeing it lined with pink and white blossoms. Actually, when I was younger, my sister tricked me into believing if you cut down a Dogwood Tree, you will be put in jail because they are Knoxville’s special tree. I think they should make that a real law, don’t you?

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Here again we see my own little Dogwood Tree. It used to be bigger, but it tried to grow into the living room window so we had to trim her down. Bless her heart, she’s just growing like a weed again. The actual feature is the teacup though. That is my most favorite teacup in the world. (Probably because it is the only non-ugly-coffee-cup in the house). It makes me want to smile in the mornings (when I wake up early enough to enjoy a cup of tea.) This sweet coffee cup helped me get up and be ready for those more difficult mornings. Gotta love Me Time.

That’s really all I have for tonight. It’s been the first almost-normal day I’ve had in a week. Let’s cheers to another good one tomorrow. Don’t forget to like/follow/share via Email, Facebook (/takenbythelapels) and Twitter (@vivalaphoebz)












Spring Blooms & Week Recap


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Let me begin by saying, What’s up, blog world! Long time, no see!

I was wandering around before work enjoying the warmth before the rain started back up. The Square was full of blossoming flowers and bright colors. I couldn’t help but snap a few quicksters. Aren’t these yellow blooms to die for? I’m excited to start gardening soon. I’m hoping to try a window flower box this year! We’ll see how it goes, since I’ve never been much of a gardener. If not a window box, definitely some small plants. I’ve been eyeballing these white polkadotted vases for a while. Someone remind me to snap a picture next time I see one!

Besides these lovely Blooms, what else is new with me? Hmm. How about a quick week recap!

I spent last weekend in Scuba Diving Training, which is 10 times more amazing than you realize. It’s worth every penny, I promise. I was breathing. Under. Water. It was kind of an out of body experience, just suspended in the water for hours. I will be taking my final tests at the end of the month when we leave the comfort of our pool and venture out into the quarry a few miles out of town. The next city over has a diver’s favorite set up, with clear blue temperature controlled beautiful water. I can’t wait to dive in. Literally. I’ll be posting pictures from training very soon.

Oh! I’m kicking butt in my classes. I’m at the 30 day countdown until my Freshman year is officially over. I’m ending it with a bang! I’ve gotten test grades of 89, 96 and 106. Then I got a 90 on an essay grade worth 20% of course grade. So that rocks. Also working on a “Foolproof Process to an A+ Paper” tutoring sesh. I’ve mastered the Research paper process, so I’m looking forward to sharing my secrets!

Hmm, what else. Oh! I’ve developed an addiction to Tupelo Honey Cafe’s biscuits and blueberry jam. I was running short on cash and forgot to pack some dinner the other day at work, so fortunately THC is just across the Square, so I loaded up on biscuits that day…. I know, a box of bread. But I don’t care. I would do it all over again. I took tons of pictures in the restaurant that day, just for one. Once I get caught up on the important stuff, maybe I’ll share! Love me some THC

Oh! I’ve been neglecting my bathroom lately. I’ve been using my parent’s bathroom despite the fact that I have my very own just outside my door. Mine is just too depressing. Fortunately, my parents gave me the “OK” to remodel a little! I’m going to add a shower head and paint over the “Noah’s Arc” animals we painted on the walls  in kindergarten. I’m considering different color pallets. Hopefully I’ll be able to transform it into a college student’s perfect prep room. All this time I’ve been darting through the entire house just getting ready. So you’ll be seeing Makeover Details soon!

By the way, what do you think of this look? I adore this shot by Rocky Caughron! I would tell you all about the details of this look, like the other fashion bloggers do. But with this dress, I honestly can’t remember where I found it. All I can say is, sometimes, basic is better. This basic black slink dress is one of my go-to’s for quick glamour.

I think you are officially caught up, blog world! Hope it wasn’t too much of a SnoozeFest! As for me, it was literally a snooze fest. I am falling asleep here at my desk! Everyone hang in there! – Kisses!

Oh and don’t forget to follow us on the Facebook(/takenbythelapels) and the Twitter Machine(@vivalaphoebz)

First Sunburn of Spring!

I ain’t even mad!

Considering it was flurrying the night before last, seeing my sunburn tonight was like a sign from the Gods. We were blessed with a beautiful weather from sun up to sun down. Not overcast,  not windy, not chilly. 76 sunny degrees all day. I couldn’t have asked for a better day off.

We couldn’t not take the Spitfire out for a drive. We always have a blast out with the top down just cruising. Usually we ride around with no particular place to go, but this time we had a plan. Visiting a friend, swinging by Target, and Lunch. But not just any lunch, lunch out on the patio over the river at my favorite restaurant.

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All that being said, we spent some time out in the car, and never once did I consider that I had hours of raw sunlight beating on my pasty winter skin. The good news is, the sun was shining long enough to get a little burn! After not seeing a bright side for 5 months, I am having no trouble finding a bright side now!




Ssekos and Florals and Scarves, Oh My!

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I can’t being to express my excitement that spring is almost here! Our sunny days are slowly beginning to outnumber the chilly overcast ones – but I’m trying not to jinx it. We almost had a Spring day a few weeks ago, but the next day it snowed. So I’m being very cautious as not to upset Mother Nature. But I can say, I’m SO ready.

Yesterday I went a little overboard and bought 4 pairs of pastel skinnies. Peach, Baby Blue, Robin’s Egg Blue, and an Aztecy pattern. However, I do not have enough floral and bright scarves, which is a big no-no. I do have a pair of the greatest shoes on Earth – two actually. But I have boring laces, and that just won’t do either. The good news is, once I get through these rougher winter paychecks and my works shifts pick up, I will be able to replenish on the Spring Must Haves! So expect lots of  Sseko tutorials, maybe a How-To-Scarf set, and lots of cute floral!

– Oh and this hat. I need this hat.



A Beautiful Day For a Drive.




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It’s a beautiful day for a drive! If you’ve never ridden in an antique, you really are missing out! My guy’s got a 1971 Spitfire Triumph, and man is it a beauty! It’s my first ride of the year, and I couldn’t have picked a better day! It feels like spring although they’re predicting more snow (yay…) so after church we took the top off, started her up, and cruised through the neighborhood.

It was a little too bright for pictures, so these are a little older. But it was a blast all the same! The poor gal’s come a long way. It was in a garage for 30 years before my my guy started fixing it up.

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Once they got it running safely, I got to be the first official passenger! Even though it’s not my car, it’s very special to me. It was my guy’s Valentine’s Day surprise last year. (I had it secretly detailed – best idea I’ve ever had) Now I’m just dying for more warm weather so we can go cruising again! I’ve missed my sweet Spitfire!

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You Deserve to Shop In Bliss


(www.facebook.com/blissknoxville – The one in the middle is my fabulous coworker Maddie)

It’s Knoxville’s favorite gift and clothing store. Really – They voted. And it’s been my favorite place since it opened up when I was 9. You couldn’t go downtown without stopping at 24 Market Square to see what’s new at Bliss. So naturally, it was a girl’s dream come true to get a call saying they would love to hire you.

I got that call right at the end of June, and ever since I’ve been an official Bliss Girl. Retail life has its perks, (more perks than a deli sandwich connoisseur, but that’s its own story.) but I will admit I’ve never had to size and color coordinate hundreds of sandwiches. No – clothing has been a whole new world for me. You’d be surprised how much you can learn in 6 months. Image

(ww.facebook.com/blissknoxville – Miss Maddie modeling a few of last season’s favorites.)

I can say I’ve got the inside scoop on Knoxville fashion. Bliss always gets the season’s best before the season even changes, and I can tell this Spring is going to be Fabulous!

I know, I know, you’ve still got Christmas wrapping paper shoved under your couch… there’s 3 feet of snow, and you’re still waiting for that back ordered Jackie-O style coat. But hang in there – Spring is coming and it will be Blissful.

